How to Set Up the Gigaset Smart Speaker

How to Set Up the Gigaset Smart Speaker

If you've just bought a Gigaset Smart Speaker, and are scratching your head at how to get it up and running- don't panic. We've put together the following step-by-step guide to take you through the process. In no time at all, you'll be enjoying the full functionality of your new smart speaker!

First things first, take the Gigaset Smart Speaker out the box, and plug it in using the included power cable. The light on the top of the speaker should turn on and begin spinning around in a circle. After about 45 seconds, it will then begin flashing on and off. When it does, it means the speaker is ready to set up.

Setting Up Your WiFi Connection

You'll need to install two apps on your smartphone to get the most out of your new smart speaker. The first is called "Gigaset L800HX Companion App". Once it's downloaded, make sure your phone is connected to the WiFi network you want to connect the Smart Speaker to, and open the app.

The first time you open the Gigaset L800HX app, you'll be taken to a setup wizard. If this doesn't open itself, then just tap "configure". The first thing it will ask you to do is to choose a WiFi network. This step is a little different depending on whether your phone is Android or iOS:

On iOS (an iPhone), open your phone settings app, open the WiFi settings, and connect to "Gigaset L800HX". Then, go back to the L800HX app, where you should now see a list of available networks. Tap the one you want to use, and then put in the password. We'd recommend that you also tick the option to remember the network, so that you don't need to put in the WiFi password every time you turn on the speaker. If all goes as it should, you'll then get an onscreen message to tell you the speaker is successfully connected.

On Android, the process is the same as above, but without the first step. You should immediately see a list of Wi-Fi networks within the app, without needing to connect to the Smart Speaker's network.

While you're here, you can also change the name of your speaker from the default, if you wish. Just tap the pencil icon next to the device name, and then type in the new name.

Setting Up Alexa Functionality

Next up, you'll need to sign in to an Amazon account to use the Alexa functionality of the speaker. At this point, the light on the top of the Gigaset Smart Speaker should be flashing red. If it's not, you may need to go through the previous steps again.

When it is flashing red, go back to the L800HX app on your smartphone, and click the cog icon next to your speaker's name. Then, tap the option that says "Amazon Alexa". You'll be taken to a webpage to log in to your Amazon account. Once successful, choose your preferred language for Alexa, and tap "done". The app will then give you some examples of things to try out to make sure the Alexa feature is working properly.

To configure Alexa in more detail, you'll need to download the Amazon Alexa smartphone app. There's plenty to dig into with this app, and we won't go into it all here. If you've got a Spotify Premium account, though, then we'd recommend tapping the "Play" icon at the bottom, and then adding your Spotify account to the list of services.

Registering to a DECT Phone Base

As well as a voice assistant, the Gigaset Smart Speaker can also be connected up to your home phones to act as an additional handset. This process is very straightforward- you'll just need to ensure that you have less than six handsets currently registered to your base station, so that there's room for the Smart Speaker to connect.

Open the Gigaset LX800H app, and tap the cog next to your device name. From here, tap the option for "Registration" under the heading "DECT". If you are pairing up the Smart Speaker to Gigaset phones, then you'll need to press and hold the paging key on your base station for at least five seconds, or until the base makes a beep. The app will display the default pin, which is 0000- if you've changed this on your base, then put in the correct pin. Then, just tap "register". After a few seconds, the speaker should be successfully paired up.

What happens if I can't get past a step?

Both when setting up Gigaset Smart Speakers ourselves, and when talking customers through the process over the phone, we've found there have been times where things don't go according to plan. The app may say that it has run into an error when trying to carry out a particular step, or the Smart Speaker itself may not respond how it should.

Obviously, this can be frustrating. It may be the case that you just need to try that step again before it works. If the Smart Speaker still isn't operating as it should, then we'd advise starting the setup process again from the beginning. It's not ideal, but we've found that doing this usually solves the problem.

If you are still encountering issues, then please don't hesitate to get in touch with us for further assistance. Our customer service team are always happy to help!

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